We’ve all heard of Botox (R) for wrinkles, but what about a BOTOX(R) BROWLIFT and BOTOX(R) LIP CORNER LIFT?

Left: Before treatment. Note the shape of the brow, frown line and downward pull of the corner of lips.
Right: After Botox(R) Browlift treatment (One week). Note the outer half of the eyebrow and the high arch.
The patient has gone from looking somewhat tired and angry to well rested and energized.
Also note the corners of the lip. They are not down-turned as before. Injection by Dr. Charles S. Lee.

Left: before brow reshaping and the midface (“tear-trough”) injection of filler material.
After: One week later, note the rested appearance and the high elevated brow position. Also note the midface tear-trough hollow has been filled. Injection by my colleague John Nassif, MD of Ft. Myers/Naples, Florida.
Although Botox (R) browlifts have been frequently described, I was impressed by the consistency and amount of the browlift obtained using the new method of Botox(R) browlifting. It requires a bit more of the Botox (R) than is usually described in the literature. I am still impressed with every patient coming in for a checkup after injection.
The mid-face lift without surgery is also quite impressive. The bony area under the orbit of the eye is frequently hollow, making the fat of the lower eyelid appear more prominent. The usual treatment of this is removal of the lower eyelid fat through internal incisions (transconjunctival approach). However, by injecting filler material onto the surface of the bone of this area, there is an apparent midfacelift and the fat of the lower lid becomes less noticeable. My colleague Dr. John N. tells me that he is performing less and less eyelid surgery and more of the midface filler and Botox(R) browlift.
How is this relevant to Asian plastic surgery? The midface area hollow, known as the “tear trough” or groove, was a term coined Dr. Robert Flowers, who noticed this was particularly common in Asian patients. Then by extension, he noted it in patients of all ethnicities as part of the spectrum of aging. Dr. Flowers invented a silicone implant to place onto this area surgically.
With the advent of excellent surgical fillers available today, the midface can be treated by injection, in 15 minutes at the office, during lunch. The filler lasts about one year or more.
Thanks to Dr. John Nassif of Naples/Fort Myers, Florida, my colleague from my training days with Dr. Flowers, for sharing this technique with us.