Kybella in Beverly Hills, CA

Non-Surgical Double Chin Removal

Kybella injections Beverly HillsSubmental fat or fullness, referred to by many individuals as a “double chin,” is a cosmetic problem that affects men and women of all weights and ages. While neck lift and liposuction are effective solutions for re-sculpting the neck and jawline, Charles S. Lee, MD and the team at Enhance® understand that not everyone is ready for surgery. Our team can eliminate the double chin with Kybella, a revolutionary injectable FDA-approved to gradually eliminate submental fat for a slender and youthful looking jawline.

Kybella Treatment Details

Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule that helps break down and absorb dietary fat. When injected in the chin area, the Kybella solution targets and destroys fat cells.

Treatment with Kybella takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The exact number of injections administered varies patient to patient, as does the number of sessions needed. Most patients will need two or three sessions spaced out several weeks apart to achieve their desired results. Over time, the area looks slimmer. Once destroyed, the fat cells cannot return.

Who Is a Candidate for Kybella?

Ideal candidates for Kybella are individuals who:

  • Have submental fullness
  • Wish to avoid surgery or a lengthy recovery
  • Are 18 years old or older
  • Are in good overall health
  • Have realistic expectations of treatment and results

Candidacy for treatment with Kybella is determined on a case-by-case basis. Dr. Lee and the team at Enhance® can meet with you individually to evaluate your facial anatomy and aesthetic needs to determine the best treatment option for your desired goals.

Kybella Benefits

Kybella offers a number of benefits to patients who desire a slimmer and more attractive jawline, including:

  • Quick and minimally invasive treatment
  • No incisions or anesthesia needed
  • Little to no discomfort during treatment
  • Little to no downtime required
  • Fewer risks and side effects compared to neck lift and other surgical treatments

Kybella FAQ

Is Kybella Safe?

Kybella is safe and FDA-approved for adults 18 and older.

Where Exactly Is Kybella Injected?

Kybella is injected under the chin and on the neck, specifically targeting the areas with the most fat.

Does Treatment Hurt?

During treatment, you will experience little to no pain as a topical anesthetic will be applied to numb the target area(s).

What Should I Expect After Treatment?

Following treatment, you will notice minor bruising, swelling and redness in the treatment area. You may also feel some slight burning and stinging. These side effects are temporary and should subside soon after treatment.
There is very little downtime with Kybella. Most patients are able to return to work and their normal routine the day after treatment.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

The exact number of sessions you will need will depend on your desired outcome and how much submental fullness is present. Dr. Lee and the team at Enhance® can determine the number of sessions needed after a personal consultation.

Are Results Permanent?

The results with Kybella are considered to be permanent because once the fat cells are eliminated from the body, they cannot return. If you gain weight in the future, it will be more evenly distributed throughout the face and body.

Kybella double chin removal beverly hills ca

Why Should I Choose Dr. Lee and Enhance® for Kybella?

At Enhance® Medical Center, you can rest assured that Dr. Lee and his team will work diligently to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. Dr. Lee himself has performed over 20,000 plastic surgery procedures, many of which involve non-surgical cosmetic injectables like Kybella. Each team member is properly licensed and trained in administering Kybella to consistently deliver beautiful and natural-looking results. Dr. Lee and his team will be available after your treatment to monitor your results and answer any questions you may have.

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