How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Sometimes calorie counting and a regular workout regimen are simply not enough to achieve the fit, lean body you desire. An FDA-cleared, non-surgical treatment called CoolSculpting can get your beach body ready by eradicating unwanted fat and sculpting problem areas like the abdomen, thighs, back and arms. And the best part is that CoolSculpting doesn’t require any incisions, anesthesia or excessive downtime. Read on as Dr. Charles S. Lee and the Enhance® Medical Center team explain how this groundbreaking treatment works.

A Cool Way to Get Rid of Body Fat

CoolSculpting uses cryolipolysis, a technique based on the discovery that fat cells are more sensitive to temperature than skin cells. During a treatment session, a special applicator with two paddles is slowly passed over the target treatment area, suctioning bulges of unwanted fat between the paddles and subjecting the fat to freezing temperatures. By exposing unwanted fat to controlled cooling, CoolSculpting permanently damages the fat cells, which are later passed from the body naturally.

CoolSculpting is effective not just on larger areas of fat like the love handles, inner/outer thighs and upper back, but also on smaller areas such as the chin and underneath the jawline. 

What to Expect from CoolSculpting

Prospective CoolSculpting candidates often want to know whether the process of freezing fat cells is painful. Our team is happy to report that CoolSculpting is not a painful or uncomfortable treatment. You should not expect to feel anything other than temporary cooling and/or suction sensations as the CoolSculpting applicator moves over the target treatment area(s).

After treatment, mild soreness, itchiness or swelling can occasionally occur. Some of our patients have told us they feel as though they completed a strenuous workout after a CoolSculpting session. These aftereffects are temporary and usually subside within a few days.

If you are expecting a one-and-done solution, our team cautions that CoolSculpting may not be for you. Patients usually require several treatment sessions to attain their desired results. Also, if you are expecting a miracle cure, you may be disappointed, as CoolSculpting is best for mild fat reduction. (The team behind CoolSculpting claims it can eliminate 20-25% of excess fat.)

Is CoolSculpting Right for You?

The best way to find out whether CoolSculpting can help you achieve your specific beach body goals is to meet with our qualified team for a consultation. We are extremely experienced with the advanced technology and can confidently assess your needs to determine an appropriate treatment plan.

To request an appointment, please call or email Enhance® Medical Center today. We look forward to discussing your options with you!

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